Email can be a great channel to quickly share information and confirm plans. However, if we choose to treat it without intention, it can quickly grow to into a full time job of reacting to queries and organizing responses.
Connecting with people and their ideas on a deep level is where the magic happens in my work. Email has a way of limiting that connection. I in turn limit the time spent tending the email garden. Here’s what you can expect from me regarding our relationship over email:
ACCESS- limited
My phone is for texting, calling, and instagramming. If we are out to lunch, you’ll never see me check my mail, because it simply doesn’t live there. My ability to be present in the moment is essential to my work and life.
TIMING- specific
I review my inbox each weekday at 10:30am and 2pm. Messages arriving after are addressed the following day. If your issue is more urgent in nature, text me.
FORMAT- brief
For one-to-one emails, I follow the five-sentence rule.
-If for example, you send a straightforward question or request, my response will be friendly but brief in confirming details and next steps, likely with bullet points for clarity.
-On the other hand, if you write a few paragraphs of detailed questions, you deserve a more thoughtful response from me than short bullet points. My response to an email like this is an invitation to schedule a phone call. This way, I can be sure I am fully understanding your questions or concerns and we can connect on a deeper level.
I hope the rest of your day is fantastic and look forward to catching up with you very soon.