Day 2- Chaos

I heard someone say that if you’re not winning, then you’re learning. I like the thought of that and if it’s true, then I learned a hell of a lot on day two of this Monk Mode experiment.

It was fucking chaos. Not the stressful or dramatic kind that you might see on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange or a field of three-year-olds playing soccer for the first time. More like getting out of your car, and then it starts rolling super slowly down the driveway to take out your mailbox because you forgot to set the park brake.

In other words, totally and completely avoidable.

I had plans, intentions, hopes, dreams, goals, and whatever the fuck else I thought I needed to jump in head first. What I had seemed all fine and dandy until I got through the day and realized the one thing I didn’t have.


It’s fine to have all of these things I want to do, but if I don’t sit down ahead of time to figure out what happens when and put some parameters around things, I’m going to end up flailing around a lot and getting exactly nothing accomplished. And that’s exactly how today went.

Do I want this or not? If so, it’s time to stop acting like a tourist on vacation and start digging in hard. I thought I’d prepped for this better, but the day slipped by, and outside of getting my 10k steps in, I have nothing to show for it.

Ok, that’s not entirely true, so let’s do a breakdown, then shift energies from disappointment to what it’s going to take to get back on track.

What went well:

-Meditated, journaled, and had coffee in the garden.

-Got my 10,000 steps in

What didn’t go well:

-Got out of bed an hour late

-Only got a few stories finalized on Meditations

-Caved into hunger in the evening and ate more food. Not good food either.

-Decided to “take a break” from writing and drive to charge my car. Wasted an hour round trip.

-Stayed up late reading, went to bed just before midnight instead of 10.

Lessons learned and that’s what I’m here for. Tomorrow I’ll regroup and do better.

James Walters